The one you trust is the one you shouldnt. Pain and betrayal cross your heart and eyes yet no one notices. Secrets hurt you say, they...
pushing away
As children we learn that pushing is not ok. We get timeouts and yelled at or perhaps sent home from school and our parents hit us. As we...

Learing to love again
Pain is like a drug often times and we get addicted to it. We come back for more. Weather its cutting, or piching bitting inside your...

A safe place
Everyone has a safe place regardless of where it is. For some its a closet for others its a book either way its the same thing. A safe...

Going with the flow
Imagine that your whole world is turned upside down. Imagine that all of your freedom is lost. Where ever you go someone is watching you....
que solÃa ser
Todo el mundo tiene una historia, y un caracterizarÃan que ha cambiado por ello. A medida que crecen las personas a menudo encuentran que...
cuando llueve se vierte
Las reuniones que a menudo pueden cambiar su vida es una que nunca se olvidará. En este encuentro, las personas que piensan que son Dios...

who I used to be
Everyone has a history, and a personalty that has changed because of it. As we grow people often find that what we are like now is not...

When it rains it pours
The meetings that often can change your life is one that you will never forget. In this meeting people who think that they are God decide...

weapon within
I would like to start off by saying that this is not a normal post. This one is straight to the point and there is only one way to see...