A good friend
So lets pretend for a minute that we have a very good friend lets say tyler. We grew up with tyler and he has been a big part of your foster life. Ok so now lets say that he was in the system and he understood you very well. He is laways there for you. Then one day he comes up to you and askes if you would like to be something more. Now prior to this you had thought of him as cute and so of course you say yes. You are esatic!! you cant belive that someone actually cares about you! You talk and he promises that he will never leave you. He tells you he loves you and that you are one of the best things in his life. You start to love him and actually belive him. You see him around and still hang out. You still are best friends but instead of talking about getting houses near eachother your soon talking about living together! you guys talk about having children together in the future and all of that stuff. Everything is going great. You see him in school and you stop and talk to him and he walks you to class and then before you go inside he kisses you. You walk into class feeling happy and like you mean something (wich you havent done in a while). People can see what hes doing to you and their happy for you too. They think that your cute together and keep their doubts to them selves wich you apprecate. You sit next to him whenever you can, lunch, bus, class. You look into his eyes and see his perfect brown eyes and just want to be in his arms all day. You go to cheer smelling like him and you secreatly keep smelling yourself. He makes promises that you never thought you would belive, but before long you do. You trust him with your life. However in two weeks he says that you guys should take a break. He says he needs to focus on school. It crushes you, but you say ok. Later he sees you crying and walks up to you and hugs you saying that it will only be until homecoming. You give a wery smile. He then walks away. The next day it dawns on you the fact that he said after homecoming. Why not before homecoming? You guys chould go together and have fun. You start going around and around in your head and see that he was acting stange the last week. Your friends have brought up that he is a player. But no... He wouldnt do that to me. Would he? You start to think and you only see him during the school week He does have the time. You figure that you will just ask him. He always tells you the truth. That night you email him and ask if he was going to homecoming with someone else. a few minutes he replies. He say( after you promise that you wont be mad) yes. He was planning on going with another girl. Lets call her macy. Its crushes you, but you keep talking to him about it. You ask when he met her and eh says a week ago at a carnival. You stop dead in your tracks. One of your friend was talking about him kissing another girl at a carnival. No just no was all you can think. You ask him about it and he claims that he pushed her away. But you dont belive it. You need to hear every thing so aginst you better judgment you talk to him some more. He says shes beatful and he really loves her. He says hes going to get a necklace and he is going to pick her up. You cant stand to hear any more so you say you have to go to bed. Your foster parents can tell somethings wrong, just not how wrong. You feel like every thing inside you os dead. You dont leave you room. You stay there and dont eat anything. You look at pictures and think of him. He cant be bad right, he just made a mistake. uh, just like every one else in your life You think to your self. Why do I always have to pay for others mistakes?? You cant think of one thing you did to hime to deserve him to cheat on you like he did. You start to laugh. And then cry. But the worst feeling comes at the end. When you feel dead. Like theres nothing left. It hurts because you let him in, yet you cant do anything about the pain. You know whats hes done to you, yet you want him back. You feel stabbed and torn but you want him to fix it. HE only builds you up to break you down again, but you want HIM to be the one that does it. You figure you should start to try and get him back. You still talk to him and flirt with him however this time it feels empty. You want him back, no you NEED him. Tyler talks and firlts back and you think that it was all a bad dream, but then you look down at his phone and his screen is him and another girl! You get so mad. You yell and yell. Its like all the anger thats been in you for like tree years is coming out on him and you cant controll it. You say stuff you dont mean and he just takes it. Later he says hi. That makes you mad and happy at the same time. he forgave you! Its means that he has frogiven you!!!!! But that means that you didnt leave the scar that he left you. You nod and walk away. Now for the next few weeks have went well. He broke up with macy and all. He didnt go to the dance and you have started to move on. The one day you deceided to tell him that you no longer have feelings for him. He starts cheering and makeing a big scene and saying stuff like"its about time". It makes you feel like your a horrible person and are unlovable. Later he notices that your upset and he asks what's wrong. You simply shake head and say nothing. He keeps on at it and say that he wants to make you feel better. That makes you snap you say that he doesn't that no one cares about me and that he doesn't either he acts mad and says are you kidding me? with all that we've been though, how could I not care about you. You simply look down and tell him that it doesn't matter that everyone leaves you and start naming people that have left you, starting with your parents and ending with him. He looks at you and says that he will always be there for you. He does agree that he's leaving at the end of the school year but he will come and see me and that he promised that he'll call you and email you every day. He says this in his special face and you see why it was that you fell for him in the first place. In those seconds you see him when you fist met him at a summer party that your foster parents were hosting. You see him on the porch in jeans and a t-shirt. You see him drinking soda and jumping off the porch to meet you. You rember him shaking your hand and thinking that he is different then other male fosters. No was. You realize that he isn't the same person he was two years ago. You see that the old Tyler wouldn't do that to you. You then stop and think. You then realize that you really didn't know him as well as you thought you did. Even now you cant even think of his favorite color. You realize that people change and that breaks your heart. You wish you said no when he asked you out. You then think over the things that has happened recently. What would be different? Would you guys still be best friends? Would you be able to cont. on him for anything? Would you still be dating, just later on in life? Would he stopped talking to you? You don't know but you know for sure that he is and was you person. You know that he's right that you will always want him, however that feeling with so many others can be pushed down and forgotten about for now. For now You will be best friends with him just like in the old days. I don't know about you but isn't that better