who I used to be
Everyone has a history, and a personalty that has changed because of it. As we grow people often find that what we are like now is not what we where like when lets say when we where ten. we have grown both mentally and physically. For most of us we woldnt cry now because sally took our toy, instead we would just not care. We usually see this as a good thing, however there are a lot of negative things about growing. When a child is young they will usually say that they cant wait to be a adult so they can buy everything they want, however they don't think about where that money will come from. As a child we have a sort of innocence of what the world is like. we see a homeless person and we think he's camping or see a dog on the street and think he has ran away and when we see the pictures of lost things we try to find them because hey we can find our pencil or homework so why not a child. However as we grow we see that homeless man as a potential drug addict or that dog as rabid and the lost kids as dead. We stop looking. All of a sudden our best isn't the best. We gain all this responsibilities and adults tell us the truth and what isn't told is just assumed. As we get older we tend to not ask as much questions as we did at five. Recently it doesn't matter why the sky is blue and were babies come from all that matters is making it though finals. The thing I miss most about being little is not my curiosity though its my faith, not in god just in people. I miss believing what others told me when they said I was pretty, I miss not doubting everything people says to me. I wish what people told me then was the same as what people told me then. Cause lets ne honest, the world is a scary place. If you turn on the news right now you will hear about Syria and the civil war going on, or perhaps another school shooting and you suddenly are afride to go to school. Before you had no doubt that when you get older you would be a king or a queen, now though you cant even see yourself getting out of school, or perhaps a job that has eaten you. Your faith may be gone and as you look back you realize just how easy you had it compared to now. You can see the downs whatever they maybe and you see your downs now and in way you handled them better them. Yes you may have cried and threw a tantrum but now you just ignore the problems and pretend like they are not there and the ones you do face leave an after bite were as before after your fit you felt better. Now you look back and wish for the days of innocent fun and laughter, of beiliving and curiosty that you have lost. You missed your childhood freedom and just your childhood in general. You look on the next few years and realize how much you have to live for. You also see the little girl or boy that yu once were sitting at a table not wanting to eat your vegtiables or the time your paretns let you stay up past nine on a school night and the joy you felt and you realize that that happiness is still there it just needs to be discovered. You see your old self and deiced to live for them, to once again be like that. You live for the moment because as you get older the road will just get tougher so you realize that now iss the moment to live. That no one cares about what you will eat tonight except you so why worry about it? Why not take a trip down memory lane and rember how to be a kid nad not worry, even if its a glimpse
just to rember.