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The one you trust is the one you shouldnt. Pain and betrayal cross your heart and eyes yet no one notices. Secrets hurt you say, they break you instead of mend. They dont care. They dont care that its your life or that what they say and dont tell hurts. They dont realize sooner or later the truth will come out and when it does all the pain is mutilplyed when it could have been saved. secrets destroy our society tear it down one wall at a time. You dont want a secret to be kept from so dont hide it from someone else. tell the secrets if it bad telling someone else can split the pain in half, if its good then share the joy. Imagine a world where the government told you what was going on and wasnt so secretive. yes it might be a bit crazy at first but nothing would compare to the day when the public finds out. the madness at the govment and the lack of trust, citizens would no longer respect the government, then what? No order. At least when they tell the people they have time to prepare and will respect the president. They will feel trusted and a part of the family that people call America. They realize that they hold information and that they are the same as the prisdent and the only thing that is different is their ecomical standings. Secrets hurt without a dobt and will hurt more when they come out. I for one want to know what I can do to change and make things ok beofre its too late.

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