A safe place
Everyone has a safe place regardless of where it is. For some its a closet for others its a book either way its the same thing. A safe place is diffened as a place that causes the feeling of safty to an indivudal. WHen I was little the closet was my safe place and now its the hospitile. I mean in a way it always has been. For many the hospitile is a scary place full of death and sadness but for me its the oppsite. For every wail that can be heard another cry is heard but this time for happiness. Yes some don't make it but some do. Lives are saved everyday that wouldn't have been if it wasn't for the work of the doctors. This is why im am going to be a surgeon. I love helping people and ever since I was young I knew that I would work in the hospital. The smell, size, looks and a lot more seems like heaven to me. For a lot of people they have a place like this, a church, a gym, or perharps just the house when all is quite and the kids are in bed. Happyness is a wonderful thing that can be hard to find in life but when you have it you don't want it to end. However what happends when that moment is over? When reality seeks in?. When the hosptile wails are yours? Or when a kid wakes up and is crying or perhaps you see a spider in the closet? Does it stop being your safe place or does it countinue to be your harbor? Or does it have a stain that you cant bear to look at anymore? For me this place is still my safe place even if I dont want to look at it anymore because it once held comfort to me and my worrys and still could. If the memorys you made where just memorys then why cant the bad accident that happened just be a memory too? Because lets be honest even the safest place in the world isn't safe.