weapon within

I would like to start off by saying that this is not a normal post. This one is straight to the point and there is only one way to see it. This one everyone can relate even though they dont want to. Im gonna talk about death and sadness, this post is real to everyone living and dead. We have all heard of the countless lives that have been lost due to schools that have not had enough protection. The most recent one is the Florida shooting. Its scary to here of all the lives that were lost, teachers protected students were killed students who tried to protect their friends and possible family were killed. And worst yet this isnt the first one. The sandy hook shooting happend in 2010 and was in an elementary school. This shooting was particularly bad because it was so close to the holidays. Imagine that your son or daughter, brother sister, mom dad or etc wasnt there for christmas. all those presents under the tree that have there names written on them, those present wrapped in newspaper from them to you. Opening them up and seeing a small frame and a picture of you made by an art class with an art teacher no longer alive. Imagine the pain that you would under go. I myself was in a school that had a guy break in and even though no one was killed it was terrifying and I was mad that this happend. I thought this happend to other people but the truth is it can just as easily happen to you. Sandy Hook probely thought the same thing until the shooting happend. That school chould be you today or tommrow we dont know. On march 17 2018 our school will partcipate in a walk out. you see that the students that chose to will walk out of the building and will stay "silent" it is soppsoed to be silent but lets be honset it wont be. Afterwards the students who chose will go back in the school after 17 minutes and those who want to will go to the state house to protest there for more gun control in rhode island so join us as we take this small step to get more gun control so we can go to school without the fear of not coming home.