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Living with a lie...

Since we were little our parents have told us not to lie. They tell you your tong will turn black and fall off, God will strike you with lighting, or that your nose will grow long if you tell a lie. However as you age you see that they didn't warn you about one person who you can lie to and not know. Yourself. Even despite these warnings we still continue to lie and eventually we find out that our parents lied to get us to not lie. Thats the thing that makes me laugh. Our parents lie probably more then kids do. Think about all the stuff that parents said to us in our childhood. I dont know about you guys but I would defiantly respect my parents alot more if they didn't constantly lie all the time. I just wish that one person in my life would be honest with me, however I cant even be honest to my self. I lie to myself all the weather its about something like foster care or relationships. I guess at one time or another we all lie to ourselves. These lies are alot worse then the ones that we tell when we are little. For one there is no one around to tell you it is a lie only yourself, however at the time you dont know that its a lie. You continue to lie to yourself and eventually one lie leads to anthor and another and in a little bit our life is being lead by these self made lies. We see others and we tend to think that their life is perfect and that you wish that you were them, however its those people that tend to be the ones that lie to them selfs the most. They think that their life is perfect or that its falling around them, however they dont see what others see. They walk like the own the world when really they feel as thought they cant even pick what to wear. They act like they are tough, but when no one is looking they sneak into their room and cry. They lie to them self and then because of that others lie to them selfs by thinking that their life is horrible compared to that girl walking down the street. The truth is that girl is probley cries more then you, has less friends then you and s hurting alot more then you. I know one of those girls and to outsiders she looks perfect. Shes on the cheer team, the gymnastics team, she gets honor roll every quater, she's kind, she had a popular boyfriend( even though she wasn't too popular herself). So i guess you could say that she was living in a perfect life, however after school she would come home and just study till practice because she didnt want to have to deal with her foster family. Then she would go to cheer and have to deal with always being stuck in the back because she didn't remember the routine cause she didnt have a phone so she couldn't video tape it so she couldnt practice at her house. After that she would go to gymnastics were the pressure of her friends and coach would drive her to a breaking point. She would endure all the pain of falling but she wouldn't endure the pain of failing. She kept all this secret for a long time, too long actually. She finally broke and tried to kill her self. This person got help and is now back at school, and in case you didnt figure it out already that person is me. SO trust me when I say that no ones life is perfect. The star football player isnt always a star, the cheer captin isnt always n charge and you need to see that to be able to help your slef and in order to stop lying to yorself as well.

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