Hope for a new tommorrow
People often ask me whats the point of living if everything just falls down around you and honestly at points I dont know myself however I just smile and say because your alive. There has to be a reason you have held on for so long right? So I tell them to continue fighting for that thing. Fight for hope, fight for a future and most of all fight for yourself. Every forty seconds someone commits suicide, and what afters? Well think about this every forty one seconds someones life has ended, not physically but it might of well been. Would you want your sister to commit suicide? Well imagine the look on her face when she walks in to the bathroom and finds you with an empty pill bottle. At first she will be mad, then she will start to blame her self. Every one deals with tragedy differently so she may start ti cut and her self worth will plummet. She will not sleep and will become depressed. Her boyfriend will notice and at first act like its normal but then will break up with her. She will then not feel confident and will blame her weight. She will go down the same path you and finally will look upon the same bottle you did making the same decisions you did. At this point she can either take the pills and leave her fate to be repeated by someone else or she can put down the bottle and get help. She is looking back in time when you were in her life. She remembers your smile that was a fake. To convince everyone everything was fine. She is suddenly shocked to see that she was doing the same thing for a while now. She gets hurt and finally puts the bottle down. She gets help and feels stronger then she has ever been and that feels nice. It is wonderful ha she has finally gotten control of her life and you know what? She has the life because she had hope for a better tomorrow. So stop and ask your self if you want your friends, family, whoever to go though this, or do you wnat to break off the chain and be the one with hope for a better life?